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©William David 2015



           Because every generation has a young generation

        actors & performers

I have worked with actors for a long time and specialise in working with the young - the one’s who sometimes don’t even know they are an actor at all.

Often actors become actors through inventing a self persona to get them through school and to “fit in”.

They become the class clown or the loud confident one who inside is a bag of nerves.

And it is no accident that many actors are on the autistic spectrum as you will discover as we progress.

The Halfling project, as part of it’s brief encourages young aspiring actors and performers to follow their dreams and push themselves forward.

Through the simple use of photography, video and audio together we build a profile and build up the personal confidence they will need to move forward.

In addition the project itself needs actors and models to help illustrate the project, and those taking part in these one day shoots are often able to provide this.

The project go’s further working with those who have no performance desires but who may still benefit in building up their personal confidences via the acting techniques used here.

I tried acting, liked it, and stuck with it. I saw it as the way I would keep that promise to myself of getting back at those who had made my school life a misery.

Anthony Hopkins

As always, with acting, you can't be too self-conscious. You shouldn't care about what people are thinking about you at the time because they're not caring about you, they're caring about the character.

Freddie Highmore